Beginning as a very small youtube channel in late 2015, originally titled “World’s Most Dangerous Group of Kids”. Dedicated solely to gaming (mainly Minecraft and Call of Duty) and some occasional skits and reviews, it wasn’t until three years later we really decided to blow up the channel. We began to experiment with a podcast, however we all knew the name “World’s Most Dangerous Group of Kids” would not fit the criteria. BHB TRILOGY (Beast, Hotsauce, and Buckets) began the renovation of our brand as we moved forward together. The energetic and always moving “Beast” that is Stella, the saucy creative flair from “Hotsauce” that is Manuel, and the balanced comedy madness from “Buckets” that is Eli (TRILOGY meaning three us), perfectly resembled what our brand would stand for. Doing what you love, how you want to do it, and not letting anyone tell you otherwise. As corny as it may sound, not letting what others see you as, controlling what you see in yourself. We work as a team and give suggestions, everything goes through the team process and everyone gets a final say. That is our main goal here at BHB TRILOGY, while you watch our podcast or wear our clothing, to let your creative mind flow throughout your life. Through our podcast, graphic design, and clothing the creativity is endless with you and nothing is off the table.